
Declaration of Candidacy



澳門是祖國的掌上明珠,回歸以來發生了翻天覆地的變化,“一國兩制”實踐取得舉世矚目的成就。這離不開國家長期以來強而有力的支持,靠的是社會各界和廣大市民的共同協力打拼。澳門是我們的共同家園,鐫刻著我們的珍貴記憶,書寫著我們的不懈奮鬥,承載著我們的期盼和夢想。我深愛這個溫暖和諧的家。近 40 年來,我以滿腔熱忱投身於司法領域,始終堅守法治核心價值,守護澳門良好法治聲譽,積極回應廣大市民對公平正義的期盼,與大家攜手同行,經歷和見證了澳門回歸祖國和推進“一國兩制”實踐的不平凡歷程。




—— 我們將致力於提升治理效能,以更大決心轉變施政理念,深化公共行政改革,優化施政方式,提升公共服務品質,完善法律體系,恪盡職守、廉潔奉公,建設充滿活力、團結協作的管治團隊,不斷提升依法治理能力和水平。
—— 我們將致力於發揮獨特優勢,以更實舉措做好橫琴粵澳深度合作區建設這篇文章,主動和精準對接國家戰略,打造澳門國際高端人才集聚高地,把國際大都市金名片擦得更亮,在融入國家發展大局中作出更大貢獻。
—— 我們將致力於促進多元發展,以更新作為鼓勵全面創新,聚焦“一中心、一平臺、一基地”,優化營商環境,鞏固提升旅遊休閒業,大力發展新質生產力,支持傳統產業轉型升級和中小企業創新發展,促進經濟適度多元發展提質增效。
—— 我們將致力於建設美好家園,以更強力度築牢維護國家安全屏障,弘揚愛國愛澳優良傳統,推進社會事業全面進步,持續改善民生,關心關愛青年,把市民對美好生活的期盼作為施政最大追求,不斷提升廣大市民的獲得感幸福感安全感。
今年是中華人民共和國成立 75 周年,也是澳門回歸祖國 25周年。當前,澳門正迎來建設、發展的最好時期。我有信心和決心,在中央政府的有力領導和祖國內地的大力支持下,與大家一道,精誠協作,共同奮鬥,不斷書寫澳門特色“一國兩制”成功實踐嶄新篇章!
As stipulated in the Basic Law of the Macao Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China and the Chief Executive Election Law of the Macao SAR, I hereby announce my decision to stand for the election for the sixth term Chief Executive of the Macao SAR.

This decision is fundamentally driven by the call of the times to fully, faithfully, and resolutely implement the policy of One Country, Two Systems and contribute to building a great country and achieving national rejuvenation. It is made out of a strong sense of mission to uphold Macao's long-term prosperity and stability and demonstrate Macao's renewed sense of responsibility and enterprise on the new journey of the new era. It also derives from an original aspiration to work together for a better future of Macao and deliver better lives for the people of Macao.

Cherished as a pearl of our motherland, Macao has seen a sea change since its return and impressive achievements in the practice of One Country, Two Systems. Such accomplishments would not have been possible without the enduring strong support of the country and the concerted efforts of various sectors of society and Macao residents. Macao, our common home, carries our precious memories, unremitting efforts, and aspirations and dreams. With deep love for this warm and harmonious home, I have dedicated myself to the work of the judiciary with a strong passion for nearly four decades. I have been advocating the core value of the rule of law, upholding Macao's sound reputation of the rule of law and responding to people's desire for equity and justice. Together with all of you, I have experienced and witnessed Macao's extraordinary journey of returning to the motherland and implementing the policy of One Country, Two Systems.

The motherland always provides the strongest backing for Macao. With a prosperous motherland, Macao will embrace even broader horizons. Our country has now drawn a blueprint for further deepening reform comprehensively to move toward national rejuvenation on all fronts through Chinese modernization. This endeavor to build a great country and realize national rejuvenation is closely intertwined with the future of Macao and the well-being of Macao residents. Macao is a member of the big family of our motherland. It is thus incumbent upon the SAR to keep pace with national development momentum, give full play to its distinctive strengths and strive for new progress to make its due contribution. That said, I'm fully aware of the issues and challenges facing Macao's development and prosperity amid profound changes in and outside the SAR. I also recognize that our people have many new expectations and aspirations for better lives. All this entails better governance of the SAR. The reason why I stand for the election is to contribute my share to uniting various sectors of society in an effort to make Macao more prosperous and harmonious and make people's lives better and happier. I am ready to work with tireless dedication for the development of Macao and the country.

My philosophy of administration is to forge ahead together by upholding fundamental principles and breaking new ground. In doing so, we will pool wisdom and strength to ensure steady and sustained progress. At the new historical starting point, we need to build consensus of the whole society, remain mindful of potential risks and move forward to open up new prospects. We need to bring together different sectors to jointly pursue development and prosperity, see that the fruits of economic and social development are shared among the people and inspire love for the country and Macao among the broadest public. We need to uphold the right path and direction of One Country, Two Systems, resolutely safeguard national sovereignty, security and development interests and maintain Macao's long-term prosperity and stability. And we need to rise to challenges, deepen reform with determination and strive for new horizons and new progress.

If successfully elected, I pledge to fully, faithfully and resolutely implement the policy of One Country, Two Systems, faithfully uphold the fundamental purpose of One Country, Two Systems and fulfill duties in strict accordance with the Constitution and the Basic Law. I pledge to seize the historic opportunities brought about by national development and work with the governing team of the new-term government to create a brighter future for Macao together with all sectors of society.

—— We will be committed to improving governance efficiency. We will, with greater resolve, apply a new thinking to administration, deepen public administrative reform, adopt a better way of exercising administration, provide higher-quality public services and improve the legal system. We will work diligently and frugally to meet our duty, build a vibrant, united and coordinated governing team and enhance the capability to advance law-based governance.
—— We will be committed to leveraging distinctive strengths. We will, with more concrete steps, pursue greater development of the Guangdong-Macao Intensive Cooperation Zone in Hengqin to proactively align with national strategies in a more targeted manner. We will endeavor to build Macao into an international hub for high-caliber talent and polish Macao's “golden business card” as an international metropolis, so that the SAR can make greater contribution in the process of integrating itself into overall national development.
—— We will be committed to promoting diversified development. We will, with new measures, encourage all-round innovation and improve the business environment with a focus on the development of “One Center, One Platform and One Base”. We will consolidate and strengthen the tourism and leisure industry, vigorously foster new quality productive forces, support the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries and push forward the innovative development of small and medium enterprises to improve the quality and effectiveness of appropriate economic diversification.
—— We will be committed to building a better home. We will, with redoubled efforts, forge a solid shield for safeguarding national security, carry forward the fine tradition of loving the country and Macao, advance all-round progress of social programs, continuously improve residents' livelihoods and care for young people. With people's aspirations for better lives as our top priority of administration, we will endeavor to increase people's sense of fulfillment, happiness and security.
This year marks the 75th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China and also the 25th anniversary of Macao's return to the motherland. As Macao ushers in the best times for its development, I'm confident and determined to, under the strong leadership of the Central Government and with the strong support from the mainland, write a new chapter of the successful practice of One Country, Two Systems with Macao characteristics together with all of you